Wednesday, October 1, 2014

September: The Month in Media

September was an excellent media month. Here are a few of my favorite books, movies and songs from last month.
      ·         Best Movie: Begin Again

“A chance encounter between a disgraced music-business executive and a young singer-songwriter new to Manhattan turns into a promising collaboration between the two talents.” -IMDb

This movie starring Keira Knightley was stellar. I loved the music in the film!  Kiera might not be Mariah Carey, but she has a very pleasant, sweet voice. Another good movie this month was: “If I Stay

      ·         Best Fictional Book: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

Okay so I actually read this a few months ago, but it was amazing! For sure this was one of my favorite books of the year. It made me laugh so much and the story was so sweet! If you are feeling depressed, you should read this book. I’m 99% sure it will lift your spirits

      ·         Best Pop Song: Shake it Off by Taylor Swift

I love Taylor Swift and I’m not ashamed to admit it. While this song doesn’t have much emotional depth, it is straight up toe-tapping fun. The first night I heard this song I couldn’t stop dancing. It is a real pick-me-up and it makes me happy. I can’t wait to hear the rest of 1989

      ·         Best Non-fiction Book: The Social Animal by David Brooks

I haven’t actually finished this book, but so far it has been fascinating and I’ve learned a lot. It’s about how your subconscious effects your actions. If you are into psychology or just like learning new things you should read this.

      ·         Other Amazing Songs:         

I mentioned “If I Stay” came out and I have to say the soundtrack was excellent. A few of my favorites from it are: Halo by Linnea Olsson, Heal by Tom Odell, Promise by Ben Howard, I will be there by Odessa, Until we get there by Lucius, and Today By Willamette Stone.

Well, that rounds up the “Best ofs” for this month.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Through the Glass

“Where my feet will take me I know not,
 But I know of the bliss in the journey,
Through the darkest night to the brightest dawn,
All I can do is put one foot in front of the other.”

I love taking road trips. This might surprise some people because I have a large family and we trek across the country in a slightly embarrassing fifteen passenger van with a trailer. Nevertheless, feeling the rumble of the road and watching the miles go by are some of my favorite things.

Usually I’ll put on some John Mayer…

I love John Mayer, like a lot! He has a super smooth voice (think butter) and is an excellent guitarist, plus he’s easy on the eyes. He is probably my favorite musical artist. His albums have become sequentially more country, which typically I don’t like (county that is), but his last album was surprisingly my favorite. On a side note, “Paradise Valley” (his last album) was titled about the place where he lives which happens to be only an hour from here!  Favorite songs currently:

     ·        Wildfire
     ·         Dear Marie

After I put on the John Mayer I'll either read or write poetry (Like the above poem) or just gaze out the window. Sometimes I really want to get things done, but can't because I'm too transfixed by the loveliness on the other side of the glass. I could take a million pictures but none could encompass the beauty I’ve seen through my window.

“Oh what are men compared to rocks and mountains”
                                             –Jane Austen

If you liked this poem you can check out my Instagram account @thecraftyandcurious for many more.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

This Moment.

"There is an ache in my soul,
To go somewhere, 
To do something, 
To be someone, 
But as I gaze over,
This great expanse
Of sun and sky and mountains,
I realize this moment, 
Is exactly where I need to be"
   -D. J. R. 

I often feel like my life isn't enough. I watch movies and read books and then I long to go where the characters go and to feel what they feel. Kind of like a longing for places I've never been and things I've never felt.

I wrote this poem one day while I was traveling, we were only about an hour on the road, and I looked out the window and was filled with a sense of peace and belonging. I realized the beauty and value of remaining in each moment for only a moment and then moving on. 

Now, whenever I feel discontented, I read over this poem and remember that day; and I'm free. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Rainy Days

Sometimes I feel like I don't want to do anything – not like I want to relax. Rather, everything sounds boring and awful and it never did before. I feel hopeless – like everything is futile so why do anything at all? All I want to do is sit or sleep or listen to gloomy music, but most of all I want to escape from this feeling. In the past I've called it aimlessness, but I think it’s really a form of depression. It comes upon me for a few days and then it leaves almost as suddenly and I’m perfectly fine again. But it never fails to revisit me. It makes me feel  like I'm lost at sea. I wrote this poem about it:

"By chance" right before I posted this I came across a bible verse that reads:
“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation."
                                           1 Peter 5:10

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Standing in Wonder

Today was wonderful. 

It was raining heavily and a little bit cold. I went hiking (with my good friend Alice). Everything was alive and green. By the end my hair was soaking, water was dripping from my nose, my hands were numb and it was perfect.

Then I went and sat in my tent and listened to the soft pitter-patter of the rain mixed with murmuring voices and bird song. And all I could think was…

“What a beautiful thing it is to be alive – Simply to draw breath. I am so blessed.”

Seriously, don’t we have an extraordinary world? Through sun or rain, whether day or night there is always something to stand in wonder of. It makes me think of a quote by G. K. Chesterton:

“We are perishing for want of wonder, not want of wonders”

Don't fall into the trap of taking things for granted. Every sunrise, every raindrop, every breath is a gift.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I hate this feeling - the feeling you get when a really good book ends. 

The sadness that washes over you - When you almost start to cry - even though the ending was perfect. It's like having a dream, a beautiful, mesmerizing dream, and then waking up to a grey reality - lacking in passion and color and light. After these types of books I always feel as though I'm waiting for my life to begin, like I should be out there doing something.

I find that this ^ is what makes a truly good book for me - a book that I want to read over and over again. Few books make it to that level and they’re usually classics like “The Lord of The Rings” or “Rose in Bloom.” I’m always in search of these types of books, which is ironic because I feel depressed after reading them. It is kind of a “beautiful depression” though, if that makes any sense. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014

Blurred Perception: A Poem

"Beautiful longing 
Terrible longing 
You confuse me 
You complete me
This wonderful feeling
Fills me with fear
The lines are blurred,
My judgements shady 
One minute it's Yes
One minute it's No
Do I put aside my reservations? 
Or embrace them?
You are so beautiful 
You terrify me."

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Poem of The Week: The Poetic Underground

Via : The Poetic Underground

I recently discovered Erin Hanson and her Tumbr blog: The Poetic Underground. I absolutely love her poetry, her poems are simple and beautiful, I was surprised by how many I could relate too. They are truly excellent. My Favorite is the one above entitled: “Not.” You can check out The Poetic Underground here.


Monday, April 7, 2014

April Booklist

1. Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Bernadette has a wild heart, but after months of living in Seattle (which she hates) she pulls inside of herself, and becomes somewhat of a recluse.  But her daughter, Bee hatches a plan to draw her out and back into the world.

I've heard this book is really funny and I’m excited to read it!

2. Messenger by Lois Lowry

When I read “The Giver” and “Gathering Blue” in middle school I always felt like they were incomplete. I didn't realize until a few weeks ago that was because there are two more books in the series “Messenger” and “Son.” So I’ve decided to read them both before "The Giver" movie comes out in August.

3. Wild by Cheryl Strayed

This book detailing Cheryl Strayed”s 1,100 mile hike to healing has been everywhere lately – On blogs, in magazines, and on the display table at the library (To name a few places) an while at first I stayed away because I don't generally love memoirs (excepting The Year of Magical Thinking” by Joan Didion which was excellent), I decided to give it a shot mostly because of all the positive reviews I've read on it.

Have Your read any of the above books? What did you think of them?


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Creating Positive Surroundings.

 One way to increase positive thinking is to immerse yourself in positive surroundings. 

That doesn't mean you have to pack up and move to Malibu it can very well mean doing small things. For instance, opening the curtains when it's sunny or putting on relaxing music. In order to best immerse myself with uplifting surroundings, I decided to De-clutter. For me having a clean home is like having a clean slate - a pristine canvas ready for creative explosion. Anyways, I’ve spent the last few days sorting through papers and doing basic organizing. I reorganize about once a month, so it only takes a day or so. I would encourage you to put aside a weekend to organize, make sure you give yourself enough time to be thorough. 

- Deborah

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Brew Will See You Through Print

A4 Brew Print
Via Watersounds 

As a coffee/tea semi-addict, when I saw this print on tumblr a few weeks ago it really caught my attention. This is probably one of my favorite prints I've seen recently and I love that it comes from a fellow Etsy seller: Sarah Abbott. You should go check out her shop Watersounds

  Enjoy, Deborah 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Poem on Feeling Aimless

I took this a few days ago while skiing.

This is a poem I found recently that I wrote a while ago. I wrote it during a time when I was feeling aimless - so small and insignificant; as if I never had done anything truly important. I don't suppose I've done anything really significant since them, but rather I've realized that it's the people around you that you touch, which is far more important than where you work or what you've done. I don't think i'll every truly know how much I effect other people, whether that be in a good way or otherwise. Anyways, here's the poem:

I am reaching for something I cannot attain – for a light that will ever glow, for a love that seems to hide it's face. Thoughts of purpose drift through me - a river of music running up ahead. I want to sleep – to dream of light, of love, of courage, of peace... a state of genuine awe at this strange thing we call life.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Reliving My Favorite Disney Movies:


I saw Frozen the other week and it made me want to watch all my favorite Disney (and Pixar) movies:

1. Frozen Frozen

2. Beauty and The Beast
beauty and the beast

3. The Lion King
"I'm surrounded by idiots" - Scar, The Lion King

4. Up
love defined

5. Tangled
One of the best quotes! Hahaha

6. Mulan 

That's Just a few out of the many. What's your Favorite Disney Movie?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

DIY Notebook Cover

The other day I was getting rid of stuff when I came across my old Pottery Barn magazines and remembered a pin I saw a while ago of a notebook cover. I used a regular composition book, and taped a magazine page on and I finished the book off with a quote on the inside cover.

Monday, January 6, 2014

How I'm Going to Keep up My Resolutions:

1. Apps – I love apps (I seriously have an app addiction!)  and I've found they really help me to stay on track of my goals and stick to them. My three favorite productivity apps are:

– A community of people all trying to make and break habits – lift helps me to be accountable.

– My favorite to do list app – is simple but stylish; especially if you purchase the extend feature for different themes, fonts and other premium options.

– I was reluctant to try Canary out at first, because it doesn't have iCal sync (they are working on that); but I love the formatting and customization options so much I decided to switch from my previous favorite – Cal.

2. Printables - other than apps, write-on calendars and other organizational printables is a good way to keep focused. 

– I really love this one, it's a little bit odd because it starts on a Monday; but nevertheless it's my favorite I've found so far.

– This is where I put my more detailed to-dos and appointments.

- I write down the thing I want to accomplish most on this each day.

3. Work and determination
• It's easy to plan with fancy apps and calendars, but no matter how much you glam it up it’s still work. What it comes down to is determination – for which I'm striving to possess.

