Sunday, June 29, 2014

Standing in Wonder

Today was wonderful. 

It was raining heavily and a little bit cold. I went hiking (with my good friend Alice). Everything was alive and green. By the end my hair was soaking, water was dripping from my nose, my hands were numb and it was perfect.

Then I went and sat in my tent and listened to the soft pitter-patter of the rain mixed with murmuring voices and bird song. And all I could think was…

“What a beautiful thing it is to be alive – Simply to draw breath. I am so blessed.”

Seriously, don’t we have an extraordinary world? Through sun or rain, whether day or night there is always something to stand in wonder of. It makes me think of a quote by G. K. Chesterton:

“We are perishing for want of wonder, not want of wonders”

Don't fall into the trap of taking things for granted. Every sunrise, every raindrop, every breath is a gift.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I hate this feeling - the feeling you get when a really good book ends. 

The sadness that washes over you - When you almost start to cry - even though the ending was perfect. It's like having a dream, a beautiful, mesmerizing dream, and then waking up to a grey reality - lacking in passion and color and light. After these types of books I always feel as though I'm waiting for my life to begin, like I should be out there doing something.

I find that this ^ is what makes a truly good book for me - a book that I want to read over and over again. Few books make it to that level and they’re usually classics like “The Lord of The Rings” or “Rose in Bloom.” I’m always in search of these types of books, which is ironic because I feel depressed after reading them. It is kind of a “beautiful depression” though, if that makes any sense. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014